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Welcome to the Arthur L. Garnes Society

Empowering Through Representation

The Garnes Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization fostering mentorship, collaboration, and fellowship among those underrepresented in plastic and reconstructive surgery, shaping a diverse and inclusive future in medicine and healthcare.

Prepped Homepage
Female Medical Student


The Arthur L. Garnes Society proudly sponsors PREPPED, a national educational program dedicated to advancing diversity in plastic surgery. PREPPED equips rising fourth-year students with resources and preparation to enhance match outcomes, fostering a more diverse physician workforce and addressing healthcare disparities within the field.


Students' Testimonials

“I love this program and it helps so much knowing what I need to know for sub-I. Also love networking with peers, attendings, and residents!”



"The lectures we received were clear, directed at the level of our training, and highly effective in reviewing the basics of multiple aspects of plastic surgery."



"“This program was more meaningful and empowering than I could have imagined and will have a strong impact in my sub-internship experience.”



Our Donors

Our Mission

Join us in transforming professional futures in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Donate or explore membership opportunities to empower those underrepresented and drive meaningful change. Together, we create pathways to a more inclusive and equitable field.

Become An Active Member

Young, African American Female Medical Student

Apply today to become an individual or institutional member! Explore our memberships and help us make a tangible difference in PRS.

Sponsor Our Nonprofit's Goals

Diverse Group of Surgeons, Two male, two Female

Sponsor an event, a program, or an initiative! We offer opportunities for your organization or institution to demonstrate its support. Learn more here.

Let's Endow The Diversity Lecture

Dr. Ferdinand Ofodile

The Ferdinand Ofodile Lecture on Diversity in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In collaboration with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Learn More and donate today!

Make Your Donation Today!

Young, Africam American, Male Medical Student

Your donation empowers underrepresented professionals by funding scholarships, resources, and networking opportunities. Help us shape a more diverse ecosystem in PRS.

Our Network

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